Like many of today’s applications, such as Netscape Navigator and Adobe Photoshop, the features of MoviePlayer can be enhanced by using plug-ins. MoviePlayer has three plug-ins, primarily aimed at developers; Goodies, Authoring Extras and the VR plug-in. The first two plug-ins are useful for anyone that wants to go deeper into the features of QuickTime. They allow you to add copyright information to your movie, change the volume and adjust various other parameters of a QuickTime movie. The VR plug-in as you might have guessed allows you to view QuickTime Virtual Reality (QTVR) movies within MoviePlayer. If you try to view a QTVR movie without the plug-in, MoviePlayer will display a white window, as it can’t interpret the VR information. To use the additional features provided by the plug-ins select Get Info from the Movie menu.
In order for the plug-ins to work they must be in the same folder as MoviePlayer.
"I alreay have MoviePlayer 2.5! " and other issues
You probably already have MoviePlayer 2.5. It is part of the 'Easy Install' for QuickTime 2.5. If you have installed QuickTime 2.5, MoviePlayer is probably in the 'QuickTime™ Folder'. If you can't find MoviePlayer, try searching for it by name, by pressing [command] f. If MoviePlayer is in the QuickTime™ Folder, simply copy the three plug-ins to the same folder.
If you have already got the Goodies and Authoring Extras plug-ins but want the VR plug-in as well, just copy the VR plug-in to the same folder as the other two plug-ins.
If for some reason you don't have MoviePlayer 2.5 on your hard disk, copy the 'MoviePlayer 2.5 with plug-ins' folder on to your hard drive. You will need QuickTime 2.5 installed for it to work properly.
QuickTime™ VR plug-in
Unlike the QTVR Player application there are no instructions on how to navigate within a VR movie, when using the VR plug-in in MoviePlayer. However, the controls are very simple: